Monday, February 8, 2010

day 2

didn't binge last night. i'm soooo happy. i didn't weigh myself today yet. i prolly will after my work out. don't have much to say other than i'm so impressed about not binging last night after work haha. and i didn't even eat all my planned intake. yayyy.

-b: coffee - 45
-l: water - 0
-d: soup - 175
TOTAL: 220/220

-treadmill - 65 minutes - 620 cals
-1 hr weights/other

-laundry! (i have soooooo much to do)
-100 random crunches apart from workout
-look through recipe books and find some new recipes
-exfoliate whole body
-cut my bangs
-clean out/reorganize cupboard in bathroom
-clean bathroom mirror and countertop

just finished my treadmill work out. i feel so good right now. i'm takin a quick water break right now before i do my weights work out so i thought i'd do a quick update.

i think this list idea is gonna be a really good thing for me. i've been busy doing things since i woke up. i haven't had time to even think about food let alone binge. i haven't eaten in about 18.5 hours and im barely hungry. i am a little bit but not enough to bother me. definitely gonna wait til dinner. not sure what we're having. or if mom's even cooking anything. either way i'm gonna try to just have half a can of some kind of soup and then maybe the other half later if i feel like binging tonight.

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